Countdown: Another 15days
2day afternoon went 2 summit for a hair cut and ask whether can straighten my hair ornot(some1 said short hair straihten will be very thin n bald) but eventually found out it close on tuesday. Aiya, so pergi ke nearest 711 2 buy 7 tin of juztea for my cousin when i back 2 penang this friday(if tak da juztea my cousin will lock d door then i would be ended up sleepin outisde my uncle hse and she really mean it) .
Juz realise(from seokie) result will be out on 16 august via d internet? Yes, u can check ur result on9(i checked my form3 UEC result be4 using internet so it prove edexcel copy chung hwa style punya) a day ahead we can take our result slip from HELP. So personally i think those goin 2 collect d reult in HELP will be those who score quite good result. Well, at least i dun need 2 cry(sad) or laugh(happy) in front of public cause edi noe d result a day be4. =)
My aim for result actually will be ABB(the A? Math哥哥,靠你了)...AAB? then it will be my lucky day...AAA? provided d day be4 i sembahyang my ancestors, 关公老兄, 孔子大师+神明保佑....If any grade below ABB then i will be contemplating about my future again(retake or enter another U) ....
备录-成绩不那么重要,所谓条条道路通罗马,就算成绩在差,只要有恒心`毅力`坚韧不拔的精神,还是一样会闯出一片属于你自己的蓝天..不信?看看没大学毕业的Bill Gate就知道了.
qoute of d day(from terminator 2)-"judgement day"
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