01 January 2010


2009 passed by with not much tears n smile. There's a general belief that a person emotion will stable when he gets older. I hardly get vv excited or down as easily like 5 years back in time.

The year started with the biggest change in my life- accounting n finance. Till now i still believe that i make a wise n correct choice, at least im enjoyin my course now. I like 2 c d $$$$ turnin around rather than d headache drugs name(actually trying 2 recall some, but my brain got stunt except for panadol).

I do meet some frenz initially at help but eventually i change to other gang which is samller, but more alike frequency.

For d lecturers, i admit dat there is some good lecturers like acc101, eco101, qbm101 n etc...But there's oso quite a few lowya lectures. Well, think at d brighter site, at least i get 2 finish d newspaper or feel energetic after class.

In studies, i made my decison to go for UQ instead of Melbourne. Well, partly reason is because of d incentive, partly is because of(will notice wat it is after u read d rest of d post)...

Strategies n aims for 2010 - Keep to my philosophy which is got borrow got return, wanna borrow again not hard. Finish my second year with at least cGPA 3.2 2 enter UQ.

In financial status, do gain some pocket money through d stock market despite d finacial crisis in 2008 n early 2009 in m'sia. DO work once for part time. Open a new CIMB islamic which some1 use it 2 save money for me.

Strategies n aims for 2010 - Keep my genting stocks. Sell AIG at any time which i think is appropriate. New funds 40% 2 As1M n 60% 2 stocks. CIMB islamic at least 3k.

In health, nothing much except gain alot of weight throughout d year. Celaka, rounder n rounder.

Strategies n aims for 2010 - Sometimes oso wanna give up. NO strategies because all possible n available strategies will be taken. At least back 2 d weight at d beginin of 2009.


一想起你,人没到,耳朵就马上出现这些话->不要吃将多/肉/虾/sotong/chocolate/饭! 不要走这条lane!不要park这里,贵!不要恩,恩,恩! 不要闻! 不要。。。。不要。。。注:不要和做么可以替代用



九个月当中leh, 大炒是有几次啦,但总算也能安全关火。说到小炒,还真的是一罗里的gas tank都不够我门炒。今天炒下朋友,明天炒下观念,后天。。。(总之什么菜式都有)。虽然有时大家一起炒得有点累,但我门也蛮享受当中的过程的,特别是我对她zhat zhat xia. 当然,最重要的还是,无论大小炒,无论火多大,最终我门一起经营的店,还是一样营业,一样的招牌。彼此的心还是相系。




I Love u, baby. muacks.

quote of d day(from 988 DJ):"ALL d bad things left in 2009, good things coming ahead in 2010"